Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Comparisons to Other Phyla

There are a few similarities between phylum Porifera and phylum Cnidaria.

  • Both corals (Cnidaria) and sponges create chemicals so they do not become infected and other organisms cannot grow on them.
  • Cnidarians and sponges have symbiotic relationships with organisms that are not animals.

A difference between phylum Porifera and phylum Cnidaria.

  • Sponges manufacture a toxic chemical to fend off the enemy, while Cnidarians sting enemies/prey with nematocysts which are connected to a simple nervous system.

A similarity between phylum Cnidaria and phylum Platyhelminthes.

  • They both use a gastrovascular cavity as their digestive system.

A difference between phylum Cnidaria and all the other animal phyla.

  • Only Cnidarians use nerve nets as their nervous system to capture prey and to protect itself.